As a young man studying God’s Word preparing to do full time foreign missions, I was asked to go and hang out at the local coffee shop. Little did I know that short trip downtown would take me on a journey I never saw coming. I loved being in that coffee shop – the atmosphere, the people, the experience. I sat in that little downtown coffee shop almost every day studying to do missions. After being there for a couple of months, I began to see that great relationships were being built with the people around me. In these relationships, God opened up door after door to share His truth and encourage people, sitting with them over a cup of coffee. I saw people’s “eyes open” as God revealed Himself in a very real way time and time again. We were experiencing God! I began to anticipate and look so forward to sitting with someone over a cup of coffee as I knew God was going to bring us to the Cleft… It’s as if God was opening the ears of their heart and making fertile soil for seeds of truth to be planted and grow. Daily I would see God move in a new way in people’s lives. I understood Moses’ heart beat… “God, I don’t care where I’m at, I just need You!” Bring me to the Cleft so I can experience You!”
This was the birthing of the Cleft Coffee Ministries, called and equipped to bring people into a relationship with Jesus Christ and experience God… using coffee.
As God has called us to fulfill the Great Commission (Matthew 33), He has empowered the Cleft to launch our own brand of coffee with the Gospel message on every bag. We’ve been equipped to work through the body of Christ and empower churches with an amazingly effective tool to share the Gospel locally and abroad. Let’s work together and impact nations with the Gospel, one cup of coffee at a time!